How to pick Wardrobe for your skin tone
Skin tone is a judgmental factor by default.Anyone would like to step out of their comfort zone ann try new colors.Just as picking up the right haircut, picking up the right colors to wear is easier said than done.
The process is not an extremely complex one.The complexity hits when you are considering to shop online.Shopping online sure saves a lot of time spent,but you need to have a certain amount of confidence to do so.That is why you should have some acquaintance in the fundamental rules about matching clothing to the skin complexion.
Finding the hue to complement your skin tone requires few steps.First? Erase all the preconceptions you already have about picking clothes.Second,take a good look at your forearm.That is from where you can determine your skin complexion;whether it’s pale,medium/olive or dark.
Fair/Pale skin
If you have a pale skin,it’s better to go for dark colors which are contrasting the skin tone.Colors Like grey,brown,burgundy,bottle green.navy and bolder shades of blue will best suit the pale skin.
Colors to avoid – Wearing pastel colors can fade your skim tone further.Same goes for neutral shades like white,light beige or stone.Instead go for richer shades like sand,khaki and slate grey.
This doesn’t mean you have to completely stop wearing light and pastel shades.Just mix them with darker shades.
Olive/Medium skin
Olive skin tone is considered the most advantageous as either dark or pale colors suit it.If we are to go deep into details,mediocre colors like pale beige instead of warm sand or magenta instead of mauve.
Colors to avoid – Don’t wear colors that are much closer to your skin like,yellow or green undertones.What we are basically trying to avoid here are nude shades because they blend in too much with the skin.If you really wanna wear pistachio,mustard,olive and mocha brown make sure your skin is tanned enough.
Dark skin
If you have a dark skin, gentlemen then sky is your limit.No hue can wash away your complexion unlike pale or olive skin tones.This means you can wear jade green and cobalt blue with confidence,but be mindful to mix them with other shades not to look ridiculous.
Colors to avoid– Brown is the main no- go for the dark skin as it will basically sink your skin complexion in to the material.
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