How to eat Organic on a tight budget

How to eat Organic on a tight budget

Hands down there’s no possible way that eating organic can go wrong except for the cost. Starting an Organic diet is not exactly a budgetary option, but it’s the most beneficial one in terms of good health and well being. 

Everything we eat except for Organic food contains pesticides that are designed to kill which contain cancer causing hormones and immunity destroying antibiotics.Even though those pesticides are used to kill the pests that harm crops, there’s absolutely no guarantee that suggest they cannot harm the human body. Many studies and researches have proven the negative impacts of pesticide containing food.

Therefore if you really think about it, consuming Organic food is a long term cost effective plan as you can reduce the threat of having immunity related diseases.So it’s basically up to you to decide if you are paying the farmer or the hospital.

To help you out with a budget efficient Organic food diet, we have given some tips that you can easily follow.

#1 Grow your own 

Best food are the ones you grow at home.It may sound like a tiresome process but it is an extremely advantageous option.You don’t need a huge lawn or a garden to grow your own food. You can use your windowsill or the driveway or even recyclable cans or tins to grow small plants, especially herbs. Unlike growing flowers or other plants , these small organic herbal plants are easy to grow and maintain. With the proper amount of water, soil and good sunlight, you can cut your organic diet cost by half.

#2 Meat Game 

Meat is the most expensive option of any Organic diet. Yet it doesn’t mean that you have to skip meat. What you can do is to select the non-prime cuts. Surprisingly these cuts taste tastier if cooked properly. Also you can look for alternatives like soy products.

#3 Reduce wastage 

Did you know that 20 -30% of food in a regular household goes to waste? Main reasons behind this are mismanagement of storage and over buying. Micro manage the kitchen, make the list of goods that you need to buy, clear up storage space and make room for the new goods.Always use the oldest products first.That way , there’s hardly any room for wastage.

#4 Bulk buy 

This is one of the best options that you can take towards maintaining a budgetary Organic diet. Yet you need to be careful to buy stuff that won’t go to waste.Bulk buying is extremely beneficial in the long run. Dried food and veggies, pastast, pulses are few examples of products you can buy as bulks. Or you can always try freezing stuff.

#5 Buy Seasonal 

Goods are cheaper in a season. Specially fruits. So consider buying food in bulk in a season. It will cut down the budget low.

#6 Clean fifteen vs Dirty dozen 

Just because the label says “Organic” it doesn’t mean that it’s good to eat. Scientists have discovered a dozen organic food items which contains a higher percentage of pesticide residue. Lucky for us, they also discovered a “clean fifteen” that has all the organic foods we can try without worrying about residues.

Clean Fifteen – avocados, sweet corn, pineapples, cabbage, frozen peas, onions, asparagus, mangoes, papayas, kiwis, eggplant, grapefruit, cantaloupe, cauliflower and sweet potatoes.

Dirty Dozen – apples, strawberries, grapes, celery, peaches, spinach, sweet bell peppers, imported nectarines, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, imported snap peas and potatoes.

#7 Buy online 

Food items are surprisingly cheap online ( not to mention the additional online deals, discounts,coupons and vouchers etc.). But you need to plan ahead and buy stuff because it takes at least a day to get the items delivered.

Visit Daraz today for all your Organic food products and other groceries.

Amaani Inthikab

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