Join the #StayHomeChallenge to #HelpTheNeedy
Want to help the community by staying at home? Help the homeless, the affected families and your loved ones far away? You are already saving the world through social distancing.
Here’s a two way challenge to A. boost your spirit and B. help the community. Join the Daraz #StayHomeChallenge.
What is #StayHomeChallenge?
#StayHomeChallange is a mission of 9 easy steps for you to do at home. All you need is to Download the Daraz App and start playing. Bonus is if you complete this challenge, you get to serve the community once again.
The Big Reward?
At times like this, when you cannot help the ones in need by yourself, Daraz is here to bridge the gap.
While you stay home and complete the 9 step easy mission, Daraz will donate Rs. 200 to the families affected by COVID- 19.
Excited to take up the challenge to help?
#StayHomeChallange – The big mission
Though it sounds BIG, it’s pretty easy and loads of fun. All you need is the Daraz App.
1. Prepare a wish-list with items you want
After downloading the Daraz App, update the Wishlist with all the products that you might be interested in.
2. Open the Daraz App for 5 consecutive days.
Yes! It’s that simple. All you need to do is get on the Daraz App and do a bit of scrolling, look up at the products we offer you and do some window shopping.
3. Complete the Home Fitness Challenge
Tired of doing nothing? This is how the Home Fitness Challenge will help you out. Trust me this ain’t too hard. Try out the easy exercises explained on the landing page, and fill up your progress.
Click Here to go to the page: https://www.daraz.lk/wow/camp/daraz/megascenario/lk/campaign/daraz-fitness-challenge
4. Donate to the COVID cause.
Complete it or not, this step allows you to donate a specific amount of your choice, for the community finding it hard to cope up with the current situation.
Visit the COVID cause landing page to complete the step:
5. Place an image review on Daraz.
We’ve got your reviews on all the orders, but to spice things up for the challenge, we need you to add an image on the review.
6. Create your movie playlist.
Were you passing your time by watching movies all day? Share your movie playlist with the rest. All you gotta do is go to the Movie playlist page and have fun.
7. Complete 3 Daraz quizzes.
Do you want to know how Sri Lankan you are? Or are you looking for an interesting Hobby to try out this Quarantine period?
Answer some quizzes and share it with you friends: https://www.daraz.lk/wow/camp/daraz/megascenario/lk/campaign/quiz
8. Play 3 games on the Game Zone.
Looking out for some mini exciting games to try out to ease your boredom? Visit the Game Zone made just for you! Pump up your adrenaline, while you are stuck at home!
Start Playing now: https://www.daraz.lk/wow/camp/daraz/megascenario/lk/campaign/game-zone
9. Update your Daraz Info.
Type out a quick info page to finish off the quiz. Don’t worry it’s not a test, you just need to finish up things. Go to your information profile and leave no blanks.
We are not alone.
Daraz will be partnered with Sri Lanka Re Cross Society, Leads and Care Station to change their lives.

Take up the Daraz #StayHomeChallenge and start contributing for the ones in need. Invite your friends and spread the word.