What’s your Lockdown Love Language?

What’s your Lockdown Love Language?

Did you know that we all had a specific love language that works best in any relationship? It could be one out of the 5 pre-defined ways, or a mixture of a few.

Lockdown love language

In normal circumstances, maybe you’re a serial cuddler. But assuming you’re being a champion social distancer (stern face), have you adapted to a new vibe or are you still a stubborn snuggler? Find out!

The most awaited conversations of the day is:
Gossip with my buddies
Fantasizing about the Great Escape with my significant other
The ones I have with my pets
I’ve quit talking. I just stalk peeps now.



What’s the big plan after quarantine?
An entire day of fun in the sun
I will eat my way through the city
Catching up on all the lost romance
I will need a date, quickly



How does your daily share routine work?
Wanna know what I do? Follow me up on my social
New day, new chat, new me - I’m a chameleon and loyalty is a lost concept
I only share sweet nothings with bae
No one really knows what I do except my homies



Your quarantine homies are;
The fam jam
My lover
Me, Myself and I
Roomies are besties, but siblings in disguise.



 Pick your social jam
TikTok because it’s suddenly super legit
Insta stories - olden but golden
Facebook memes - a classic and super shareable
Youtube/ Netflix binge - it’s the call to arms of our generation



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What your Lockdown Love Language?

I'm %%personality%%


But I'm also %%personality%%



Amaani Inthikab

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