How well do you groom your BIG B? No Shave November

Are you ready to tame your beast or are you ready to please clean? This No Shave November is dedicated to all your beard needs. A good growth ain’t gonna magically transform within seconds. It takes good care and maintenance along with what we mostly forget- Patience! Let us help you with a few tips and tricks you will need to dedicate this month to your shining armor.
Celebrate the Man in you!
Beard Growth Oil
If you wanna accelerate your growth and groom that healthy flourishing hair armour for your man beard, then Beard Growth Oil is everything you need. It helps you repair and reactivate your facial hair roots into nice and soothing locks.
Show off your masculinity! With the true man’s power. Choose between Beard Gain or a childish bargain for the manly look you always dreamt of. It’s the season to throw away the pain with No Shave November.
My By Beard Oil
Misters before sisters? You got it when you let that fresh aroma sing your finest hair-do. Show it while you own it – cause this BIG Beard, is a gift – As we call it Not All lions have Manes!
If you ever thought growing a beard is a hassle with a constant itch and entangling , then you definitely use the wrong grooming utilities. The My By Beard Oil is the one and only beastly choice for a heavy duty man’s manes. This compose of carrier oils and essential oils which promotes beard growth by increasing your blood flow, but it also makes it thicker in a short period of time.
Beard & Moustache Natural Wax Balm
Ain’t pleased with the easing oil? The beard balm is for all the naturals! Mold that rusty armour into shape. The beard balm helps you get rid of the itchy flaky mess in your skin and helps your manly armour shine. Watch a minute till it melts and get ready for the soothing rub.
The Beard Wax has conditioning properties that stores and activates hair follicles and is recommended and used by many powerful beasts to groom that facial armour. Watch you grow with an instant difference.
Styling Comb For Beard And Hair
Man up yo! Have you ever thought of showcasing your mess to the world? Let the chicks keep nagging and the bros keep stabbing, cause all you need is to move ‘em right. Never seen a Knight in shinning armour without his sword yeah? Then wait no more to own your dagger. This styling comb is designed to specifically tame that mane to boost that extra style.
This Multifunctional beard and hair brush could be used to straighten or style. Whether for curling, straightening, volumizing and more. Style with no hair damage with a protective cover that comes with it.
The oils and the balm alone won’t make it right unless you got everything you need to make that routine just right.
Perfect your Big B routine
It’s No Shave November! Look sharp while you feel soft. This routine works with the oils and balms. If you haven’t got your manly weapon (the comb) then use your finger tips for better results.
Pre- step: Dry your beard thoroughly after a hot shower before you apply the oil.
Step 1: Add 2-3 drops of oil into your palm and distribute it evenly between both hands
Step 2: Smoothly apply it to the sides and then cover the center.
Time for Step 3: Comb your hair through the bottom to the top.
Step 4: Then evenly rub your mustache with your finger tips.
Step 5: Evenly comb your hair down and let it settle in it’s peace.
Celebrate those manly curls and let them tame into perfection. Don’t let the beast inside you misfire too early. #NoShaveNovember will definitely need some good old grooming hacks, so don’t miss out on the range of oils balms and grooming accessories available on Daraz Online Shopping. Happy Shopping to all the Main Men in Town.