6 Electronic Devices to Beat the Heat and Remain Cool
Heat waves during the April season can really affect our productivity, making it difficult to get tasks done while you’re sticky and sweaty. At times like these, our focus may be on ways to keep our homes, devices, and ourselves cool.
Are you looking for electronic devices to beat the heat this season? It’s especially difficult to deal with soaring temperatures if you have newborns in the house or if you’re just trying to get a decent sleep. If you’re looking for cooling solutions, you’re in the right place. We’ve put together a list of our favourite products that you might want to consider incorporating into your daily lives.
Without further ado, let’s move on to discuss some of our favourite cooling solutions. Make sure to read until the end for other inexpensive ways to help you stay cool this season.
Are you the kind of person who’s always stuck onto their laptop? If yes, you might be benefitted by a fan right close to you. USB fans utilize USB ports of different gadgets for cooling purposes. Most modern computers, as well as many other electronic devices such as video game consoles, personal digital assistants, smartphones, and digital video recorder boxes, have USB ports as standard features.
So, these fans can operate on most devices you use! And the benefits don’t stop there- a properly positioned USB fan can also prevent your device from overheating. As a result, this could increase the lifespan of a laptop. USB fans also work well as desktop fans. A single user can benefit from the increased airflow that a desktop USB fan can provide.
Desk Cooler
Air conditioners aren’t practical options for everyone as they may be expensive to run, but a good substitute could be a great desk cooler. Air conditioners can also take a lot of room, while desk coolers just occupy a fraction of your desk space.
Electric fans, portable air conditioners, and evaporative air coolers are the three basic types of portable air coolers that you can use as desk coolers. These are cost-effective.
Some desk coolers also come with a light, which can double as a table lamp. There are also bladeless fans or bladeless coolers that are great options especially if you have young kids in the house.
Portable Electric Fan
Another cost-effective option that can help you save energy is portable electric fans. These fans help you stay cool and hydrated on a hot sunny day. You can also carry these fans anywhere you want. Electric fans provide powerful air circulation. These come in different sizes and can be placed on any flat surface. You can angle them to get desirable airflow wherever you want. Electric fans can also work better with DIY tricks.
Laptop Cooler
Have you ever felt your computers raise in temperature as you use them? This is because computer parts generate a lot of heat. This is mainly why it’s advised to use laptops and computers inside air-conditioned rooms. However, in the event you don’t have an AC at home, it’s recommended to make use of either a ceiling fan, a table fan, or a laptop cooling pad.
Fans in laptop cooling pads help to circulate cool air, keeping your laptop cool at all times. Laptop coolers assist in cooling the laptop from the bottom, lowering component temperatures.
Solar Air Cooler
Are you trying to beat the heat, while also trying to cut down on your utility bills? Of all the types of coolers, solar air coolers are the most cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and have the most effective cooling technology available. Evaporative cooling technique is used by a solar air cooler. However, the amount of energy that a solar air conditioner saves a home over time can be enormous, quickly offsetting the initial costs. Using solar cooling systems should cut down your electrical consumption by at least 50%.
Air Conditioner
Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to take forever because it’s so hot and humid? This is your cue to consider getting an air conditioner. Unlike other portable small-sized air coolers, these are more effective in keeping closed environments cool.
As you prepare to confront your daily duties, air conditioning can increase your comfort and keep your mind fresh. They also provide a cool environment in which you will be more motivated to engage in physical activities such as exercise.
You can also try other inexpensive tips that can help you stay cool and beat the heat this season, such as:
- Install thermal blinds to your house, and close the curtains during the day.
- Buy cooling mattress and sheets.
- Drink lots of water.
- Wear cotton instead of silk- loose and light-coloured clothes can help!
- Incorporate salads into your diet
We hope the time you invested in this article helped you decide which kind of cooling system you’d like to add to your home or workspace to beat the heat this April season.
Furthermore, if you’re looking for all the right equipment to help you through the power cuts, make sure to check our blog on Electronics to Power Through the Power Cut Schedule. Keep an eye out for this space to stay updated with offers, buying guides and other similar content coming your way.