Stop hiding from the obvious – Join the Declutter Challenge
Gonna be stuck at home for sometime now? Here’s a challenge to boost things up a little. Join the Daraz Declutter Challenge to get things together to really get things done “from home”.
How does the Declutter Challenge work?
- Take 6 Days off for this Challenge
- Follow the steps given for each day
- Help yourself stay occupied and focused at home.
Tip : If It’s covered in dust and haven’t been of any use for a year, it has to go out (keep it stacked up to go out)
Day 01 – Clear the Phone
Was on the Phone all day long? Quite scrolling through social media and waiting for a new post challenge, make use of that time and get rid of the junk on your mobile.
Day 02 – Clear Inbox
Clear out all the emails that you might not need any longer. This list will included old emails which you can get rid off by easily filtering by date.
Do get rid of all the spam and newsletters which are of no use anymore. Use labels to sort emails you receive hereafter so getting rid of the useless ones will not be havoc.
Day 03 – Declutter your PC
Your personal workstation has had enough coping up with all the mess, so make use of this time to give it a proper clean up.
If your desktop look like WWIII with folders and colours covering the actual background image, you really need to give it some time. Use folders to sort and make work life stress free.
Day 04 – Clear ’em books
Whether it’s your work desk or study table, it the books like as if it got hit by a tornado you really need to get it sorted. Sorting your work desk not only clears out space to get your work done, but also helps you take up a small evaluation on what needs to be done.
Reading helps you stay on track but organizing them is also important!. Organizing your books according to subjects of study might be a better option, but if you are clearing out actual reading material arrange them in chronological order or by geography.
Day 05 – Organize your house
If anything is covered in dust or cobwebs, it has to go out! Getting rid of things you might not need anymore does not always mean thrash, but some of it could be donated for second hand use.
Start with the cloths, dresser and your bedroom. Move on to the kitched and living area a little later. Make use of this time you spend with your homies and assign a home revamp day. Since Avurudu is also just around the corner, make this time count the traditional way.
Day 06 – Declutter your mind
Though decluttering might need help most of the time, clearing your mind is a challenge totally in your hands. True that staying locked in at home might be a little monotonous for some of us, but staying fit inside and out it necessary.
Take some Self – Quarantine time just for yourself. Stay away from all the devices and take a little time off from your homies. Staying Safe, also means staying healthy.
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